The VFS-BCIT Degree Pathway


Vancouver Film School (VFS) and British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) have partnered together to create the VFS-BCIT Pathway: a cross-institutional agreement enabling VFS graduates to fast-track into BCIT’s School of Business.

About The Program

What is the VFS-BCIT Degree Pathway?

This pathway allows students graduating from 10 of VFS's advanced diploma programs (1 year) to fast-track into BCIT’s Business Management Advanced Diploma program, Technical Arts Advanced Diploma program, and/or Bachelor of Business Administration program. Gain a production-business education that will prepare you to succeed in today’s creative economy.

VFS programs eligible for this pathway are the following:

  • 3D Animation & Visual Effects
  • Classical Animation
  • Digital Design
  • Film Production
  • Game Design
  • Programming for Games, Web & Mobile
  • Sound Design for Visual Media
  • Writing for Film, Television & Games
  • Animation Concept Art
  • Acting for Film & Television

Note: VFS programs NOT eligible include: Makeup for Film & Television and VR/AR Design & Development.

BCIT programs eligible for this pathway are the following:

About BCIT

The British Columbia Institute of Technology is celebrating 50 years of applied education, and has been integral to building the economic, social, and environmental prosperity of British Columbia since 1964, producing more than 160,000 career-ready graduates over that time. BCIT offers degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a variety of polytechnic studies, educating 48,000 full- and part-time students annually.


Over 99% of VFS Graduates have been accepted into BCIT’s Degree Pathways! Applicants must meet BCIT requirements.

Total time to complete BCIT Advanced Diplomas (TA or BM)

Total time to complete the BBA

Plan your Pathway

Ten VFS diploma programs are part of the VFS-BCIT Pathway. Students who do not meet the requirements for these programs are eligible to enroll in one of VFS’s preparatory programs, which includes Foundation Visual Art & Design and Acting Essentials.


VFS Preparatory Programs (Acting Essentials, Foundation Visual Art & Design)

- Application form

- High school completion or equivalent

- Copy of passport / Government I.D.

- Two reference letters, including at least one from an academic teacher

- TOEFL 68 (iBT) or IELTS Band 6.0 or VFS-approved equivalent


VFS Core Programs: Year 1 (All Other Programs)

- Application form

- High school completion or equivalent

- Copy of passport

- Two reference letters, including at least one from an academic teacher

- Program specific requirements

- TOEFL 80 (iBT) or IELTS Band 6.5 or VFS-approved equivalent


BCIT Pathway Program Year 2 

  • Completion of eligible VFS program with a minimum 64.5% 
  • Category 2 English – 67% English 12 or equivalent. 
  • *Applicant Questionnaire. 
  • *A digital portfolio highlighting proficiency in either artistic or technical skills, featuring the applicant’s best creations in 3D art, animation, visual effects, game design, or programming projects encompassing web, mobile, gaming, or desktop applications. 

* Applicable to Technical Arts only. 


BCIT BBA Degree Program Year 3 

  • Completion of the Advanced Diploma in Business Management with a minimum overall average of 70%*. 
  • Completion of the following five core courses with a 70% average, and no mark below a 65%: 
    • COMM3111 
    • ECON5000 
    • FMGT2152 
    • MKTG4010 
    • OPMT5515 

* Seats are limited in Full-Time, and admission is not guaranteed by meeting minimums. 

Students interested in Technical Arts should aim to start their VFS programs in the Spring or Summer terms, as Technical Arts only has one full-time intake in September. Business Management has two full-time intakes in September and January, so students can aim to start their programs in the Spring, Summer, or Fall terms to minimize the gap in their studies. Business Management also has a Flexible Part-Time option, with students able to start classes in January, April, May, and September. 

Vancouver Film School – Admissions 
198 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC 

BCIT Burnaby Campus – Business Management, BBA 
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC 

BCIT Centre for Applied Research and Innovation (CARI) – Technical Arts 
4355 Mathissi Place, Burnaby, BC 

The application for Full-Time January intake programs opens March 15, and Full-Time September intake programs opens on October 1. VFS students are eligible to apply for conditional acceptance into pathway programs once all their term 3 courses are appearing on their transcript. Students are encouraged to start the application process once they are eligible to reserve their seat in the program, and if applicable, start their visa extension application. 

To begin the application process, please send the following information to

  • Name 
  • VFS transcript 
  • VFS Letter of Acceptance  
  • Proof of English proficiency 
  • Program of choice 
  • Intake of choice 


Once those documents are received, a BCIT staff member will review and advise on next steps. 

BCIT runs classes in a cohort (set) system. Each cohort has approximately 25 students, and while you may be in a lecture with multiple sets, your labs will always be with your set only, increasing your ability to have one-on-one time with your instructor. 

Technical Arts runs one set a year, while Business Management may have 4-6 sets a year between the two intakes. 

Please visit the following link to see up-to-date tuition estimates for BCIT programs: 

  • General inquiries:
  • Technical Arts Diploma: Michael Monks – Faculty - Digital Design and Development & Technical Arts,
  • Advanced Diploma in Business Management:

Once a complete application is submitted, Admissions will send you the results of your application within 4-6 weeks. Processing times may decrease if you are applying closer to a term start. 

Once a student pays their Commitment fee to reserve their seat in their program, Admissions will send a Letter of Acceptance to use for a study visa extension. 

Please visit the following link to view the most up-to-date application fees (under Before you apply): 

Please visit the following link for the most up-to-date Commitment fee (under Fees, payment, and refunds): 

Commitment fees are typically due within two weeks of acceptance and are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

Students who have graduated within the last five years of an eligible VFS program are eligible for the BCIT pathway. However, student beyond the five year limit are encouraged to reach out to BCIT for an individual assessment.

Please direct any questions about BCIT to  


Begin Your Epic Journey

The VFS Admissions team is trained to assist you in selecting the program that best suits your goals, and to help you submit an application that reflects your abilities, giving you the best chance of being accepted. Talk to us today!

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